Acupuncture and Wellness Blog
Acupuncture in the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety
Depression is a disorder that is characterized by feelings of sadness and a general lack of interest and/or pleasure towards everyday experiences. People who are
The Use of Acupuncture in Treating Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease is a neurodegenerative disease that is characterized as having both non-motor and motor disorders. The use of acupuncture in treating PD can yield
Theory and Practice of Pulse-regulating Technique from Ling Shu (Abstract)
Acupuncture Spirit is a pulse-regulating technique from Ling Shu theory of “acupuncture is all about regulating Qi”. Before needling, doctors have to feel the pulse
Acupuncture Spirit
Acupuncture Spirit According to Ancient History, famous doctors were able to treat patients without knowing their symptom or hearing their complains. These doctors were able
How effective is in the treatment of TCM for infertility?
Mostly, Acupuncture just like physical therapy, it is better to do more than less. Patients are usually treated for several months prior to insemination,
acupuncture treats sciatic pain has very effectively result
Sciatica Sciatica is characterized by pain that begins at the low back down and radiates down a lower extremity, such as the hip or leg.
Acupuncture , Stress Management
Natural Care Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine treats & manages stress, stress is increased risk of cancer, autoimmune disease, and other illnesses. According to Chinese medicine
Avoiding summer heat by……
The summer sun is beautiful and relaxing, However, people may get attacked by summer heat, causing dehydration, that can lead to heatstroke. Mainly symptoms for
Acupuncture to treat glaucoma
Glaucoma is a very serious eye disease.It is the intraocular pressure higher than normal. Some patients have symptoms such as headache, vision decrease. One common
A few tips to prevent acid reflux.
Acid reflux causes by a few reasons, for example: stress, spicy food, unhealthy life style. manage your stress level by getting acupuncture treatment because stress