Chronic Conditions
Acupuncture for Chronic Medical Conditions
Chronic medical conditions generally last one year or more, require ongoing medical attention and limit the daily activities of the patient. Some examples of chronic medical conditions include: heart disease, multiple sclerosis, asthma, cancer, and arthritis. When left untreated, chronic conditions can lead to further complications with overall health such as depression and the risk of developing other medical issues. Acupuncture is one treatment that can help by restoring function, easing pain and increasing energy.
Acupuncture has been shown to decrease the inflammation and toxicity that is often associated with chronic medical conditions. Acupuncture can strengthen Qi or vital energy, and as a result, help the weakened immune system to manage inflammation, fatigue and lack of strength. Patients with chronic conditions often require an individualized treatment plan consisting of several treatments over a long period of time. Acupuncture, along with a patience and a positive mental outlook, can restore quality of life and the severity of symptoms of patients suffering from chronic medical conditions.
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